
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Obama Marijuana Lie

The Obama administration seems to have failed in one campaign promise from both campaigns for sure. This one has gotten so far from his promise that it has proven to be a blatant lie. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," -Obama on Medical marijuana 2008 In both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns Mr. Obama claimed his administration would not waste the time or tax payer money to interfere with states allowed for the use of marijuana by its people. This is right opposite of what his administration has done. The DEA and other agencies had, according to the Rolling Stone, raided over 100 medical marijuana dispensaries in just his first 3 years in office.  Now comes the news that the DEA just raided at least 4 more marijuana stores in Seattle, Washington. Washington has state laws that allows for medical and recreational use of the drug. Yet this did not stop the Obama administration from using federal la...

The Myth of Obama

President Obama is once again set to focus on the sagging U.S. economy. This is one of many times since he took office in 2009 Obama has made a so called shift to the economy and nothing has really been done to better the situation. So how can we even believe it will be any different this time? The fact is we can not trust that the folks currently in Washington DC will truly shift to fixing the problems that plague our economy. While this is not only the fault of President Obama and there is plenty of blame on all sides, but in the end in the President is where the buck stops. So much blame is laid at his feet. The issue here is Obama's economic ideas are not all that different from past Presidents even Republican, yet folks in congress act as if he is proposing some radical left wing economic plan.  Why is this? You may ask. That is not an easy answer, but one problem could be Obama's inability to clearly get his message to the m...

op-eds needed!

Fresh Political View is looking for at least two op-eds on the Zimmerman Trail. We will select one from both points of view. If interested leave your email in the comment section on this post and We will email you the information on submitting it.  Must be a decent and no major errors. We will be back next week. Have a nice day.

Jake's Take: Exploitation of the Disabled Worker

Say you apply for a job here in America. You go through interview and you even get the job, what would you expect to be paid an hour if you're an hourly wage earner? Would you expect at least minimum wage? If your pay was below that would you complain that the wage was too low? What if you went to complain about your low pay only to learn a little known law allows some employers to pay as little as 22 cents an hour? This is an issue facing many disabled workers around our great nation. It has recently been reported that Goodwill is allowed by federal law to pay disabled workers in some cases only 22 cents an hour. Goodwill is just one of many US charities and employers that are allowed to to this. The Special Minimum Wage Certificate allows some charities and employers to base pay on how a person's disability affects their job performance. This was exposed as being abused by Goodwill and no doubt other employers as well. All they have to do is claim the persons ...

A Return To Jim Crow?

Last week was a historic week at The Supreme Court of the United States. The justices handed down major rulings on gay rights and on The voting rights Act of 1965. signaling the start of the end of one form institutional racism and the possible re-birth of another.  Since Voting Rights Act got swept under the rug, lets take a look at it and possible issues caused by the High Court's ruling. The Voting Rights Act was first In acted in 1965 during African American fight for equal rights. This law was put in place to stop things like charging poll taxes and other voter intimidation of Black Americans. The law pertained to states that had a past history of voter discrimination.  The Voting rights Act required preclearance from the Department of Justice before changing voting rules or redrawing congressional districts. The states that were required  preclearance  were determined by a formula set forth in Section 4 of the law, the section that wa...