
Showing posts from 2013

Jake's Take: Duck Dynasty

Many are fuming on the left and right over the suspension of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame by A&E. The right says it is PC gone too far and his rights to free speech were violated by A&E. Those on the left say his words went to far were offensive. Lets take a deeper look. In an interview with GQ Phil Robertson stated that he did not understand how a man could choose a mans anus over a woman's vagina. He went on to put homosexuality in the same list of sins like Murder, Bestiality and being a Terrorist. Folks on the left saw that as insinuating that gays are the same as terrorist and people who have sex with animals. Those on the right say he was just listing other sins that as he put it just were not logical. “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s ju...

The Obama Marijuana Lie

The Obama administration seems to have failed in one campaign promise from both campaigns for sure. This one has gotten so far from his promise that it has proven to be a blatant lie. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," -Obama on Medical marijuana 2008 In both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns Mr. Obama claimed his administration would not waste the time or tax payer money to interfere with states allowed for the use of marijuana by its people. This is right opposite of what his administration has done. The DEA and other agencies had, according to the Rolling Stone, raided over 100 medical marijuana dispensaries in just his first 3 years in office.  Now comes the news that the DEA just raided at least 4 more marijuana stores in Seattle, Washington. Washington has state laws that allows for medical and recreational use of the drug. Yet this did not stop the Obama administration from using federal la...

The Myth of Obama

President Obama is once again set to focus on the sagging U.S. economy. This is one of many times since he took office in 2009 Obama has made a so called shift to the economy and nothing has really been done to better the situation. So how can we even believe it will be any different this time? The fact is we can not trust that the folks currently in Washington DC will truly shift to fixing the problems that plague our economy. While this is not only the fault of President Obama and there is plenty of blame on all sides, but in the end in the President is where the buck stops. So much blame is laid at his feet. The issue here is Obama's economic ideas are not all that different from past Presidents even Republican, yet folks in congress act as if he is proposing some radical left wing economic plan.  Why is this? You may ask. That is not an easy answer, but one problem could be Obama's inability to clearly get his message to the m...

op-eds needed!

Fresh Political View is looking for at least two op-eds on the Zimmerman Trail. We will select one from both points of view. If interested leave your email in the comment section on this post and We will email you the information on submitting it.  Must be a decent and no major errors. We will be back next week. Have a nice day.

Jake's Take: Exploitation of the Disabled Worker

Say you apply for a job here in America. You go through interview and you even get the job, what would you expect to be paid an hour if you're an hourly wage earner? Would you expect at least minimum wage? If your pay was below that would you complain that the wage was too low? What if you went to complain about your low pay only to learn a little known law allows some employers to pay as little as 22 cents an hour? This is an issue facing many disabled workers around our great nation. It has recently been reported that Goodwill is allowed by federal law to pay disabled workers in some cases only 22 cents an hour. Goodwill is just one of many US charities and employers that are allowed to to this. The Special Minimum Wage Certificate allows some charities and employers to base pay on how a person's disability affects their job performance. This was exposed as being abused by Goodwill and no doubt other employers as well. All they have to do is claim the persons ...

A Return To Jim Crow?

Last week was a historic week at The Supreme Court of the United States. The justices handed down major rulings on gay rights and on The voting rights Act of 1965. signaling the start of the end of one form institutional racism and the possible re-birth of another.  Since Voting Rights Act got swept under the rug, lets take a look at it and possible issues caused by the High Court's ruling. The Voting Rights Act was first In acted in 1965 during African American fight for equal rights. This law was put in place to stop things like charging poll taxes and other voter intimidation of Black Americans. The law pertained to states that had a past history of voter discrimination.  The Voting rights Act required preclearance from the Department of Justice before changing voting rules or redrawing congressional districts. The states that were required  preclearance  were determined by a formula set forth in Section 4 of the law, the section that wa...

Defense of Marriage Act struck down

The Supreme Court this week struck down the Defense of Marriage Act( DOMA ), opening the door to Gay Marriage nationwide.  The 5-4 ruling was not a sweeping ruling that legalized gay marriage across the nation. The ruling simply gave access to at least 1,000 different federal benefits and the ability to file joint tax returns by gay couples who have been married in states that allow gays to marry, by striking down section 3 of DOMA. It might not have been a sweeping ruling, but it opened the door to lawsuits to fight gay marriage bans in the states at the federal level. Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority said DOMA violated gay couples right to equal protection guaranteed by the 5th Amendment.  On the same day the High Court also made a decision on California's Prop. 8, that banned gay marriage in the state. The  Court said the supporters of Prop. 8 had no standing to appeal the earlier ruling and ordered the lower court to reverse the decision th...

Hero or Traitor: Edward Snowden

Let me set a scene for you, if you will:  Imagine the year is 2006 here in the United States. During the "war on terror" and someone was giving our intelligence on the terrorist we had in our sites to these same terrorists. Then imagine that this person was an American aiding the terrorist with information he stole from NSA computer systems. What would you call this person? Traitor, crook or UN-American? Of what crime would you accuse him? Treason, theft or espionage?  Now say this man was named Edward Snowden. Do the labels from the previous scene still hold? Or does your view change based on your political views of the moment. Sure Mr. Snowden exposed NSA spying on everyday Americans. This is something that has been widely known for many of the last years since 9/11. Still it is understandable that the masses where oblivious to this spying. So it is good to have this out in the open to the entire nation, not just those buried in the political s...

Ted Cruz for President! Oh Wait!

Ted Cruz freshman senator has made waves  on the right. He appeals to a large number of conservatives and is fully supported by the Tea Party. Recently it was revealed he may run for President of the United States. There is only one problem, he was born In Canada. This, unlike Barack Obama's birth brings up a real question of constitutionality of Cruz's potential candidacy. " No Person except a natural born Citizen , or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States." from Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution  Article II of the U.S. Constitution says one must be a "natural Born" citizen in order to run for the office of President of the United States. It has been mentioned that no court h...

Jake's Take: Food Stamp Cuts

Jake's Take: Food Stamp Cuts How many of you rely on SNAP benefits to feed your families? If you are one of the 40 million Americans that need this program to feed your kids and yourself you need to know your very benefits are under attack. The GOP in the US House are aiming to cut yet another $20 billion from the program. This will lead to a cut of about $90 a month for a family of 4 at last check. The SNAP program has seen relentless attacks and cuts since the TEA Party takeover in 2010 in the house. These cuts are real cuts that real Americans feel and they are unacceptable. At a time when congress is cutting funds for school lunch programs families can not provide their kids with nutritious foods for all 3 meals of the day without this program. Sure there are some freeloaders milking the system, but a majority of those on SNAP are hard working Americans who through no fault of their own do not get paid enough to cover rent, bills, kids needs and food. So what ...

"Morally Broken"

Should we let disgraced politicians back into public office, whether it be adultery or some other political scandal? How do family value republicans in South Carolina let a man back into the party after he has made a joke of what they call "the sanctity of marriage" and violated the public trust. Will democrats support Anthony Weiner in his political return. This seems to be an area that democrats and republicans fail to make any sense. In 1998 the GOP and its supporters went after Bill Clinton for an affair and the democrats took a "who cares who he is sleeping with" take on the subject. It appears as of late the tables have turned now if a democrat is caught having an affair or even simply tweeting pictures of themselves in their "tighty whiteys" are cast out of the party such as Anthony Weiner and his twitter scandal a few years back. Now Mr. Weiner is running for Mayor of NYC. It is yet to been seen if voters welcome him back with open arms. ...

Monsanto, GMOs and World War III

Imagine a world where The United States and Russia were both at war with each other, and have sparked World War III. The death and destruction is catastrophic the world over. Then think about how it could have been avoided by our United States Government. Take a moment and contemplate this very scenario, what comes to mind? The Syrian conflict or a fight over global oil supplies? Anything else come to mind? The one issue that could easily led a third World War is not listed above. The culprit could and most likely will be an evil our own government supports without most Americans knowing the truth about it. This evil is known as Monsanto.  Fresh Political View has reported on this evil in the past, but with recent events like the NSA scandal and The now escalating situation in Syria plastered on the mainstream media FPV feels this story is getting lost in the mix. With the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act by the US Congress and President Obama, it is cl...

US Supreme Court bans protesting?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" - First Amendment On Thursday the US Supreme Court banned the American people from protesting in or on the grounds of the Court. This flies right in the face of our first Amendment rights of free speech and the right to peacefully assemble.  The regulation states: "No person shall engage in a demonstration within the Supreme Court building and grounds. The term “demonstration” includes demonstrations, picketing, speechmaking, marching, holding vigils or religious services and all other like forms of conduct that involve the communication or expression of views or grievances, engaged in by one or more persons, the conduct of which is reasonably likely to draw a crowd or onlookers. The term...

Obama directing the IRS?

As we continue to wade through some of the most recent "scandals" the most concerning to Americans is the IRS reportedly targeting conservative groups. It has been suggested that this is a sign of a government run amuck and out of control. Sen. Ted Cruz has even called for the abolishment of the IRS. Is this most recent "scandal" really a "scandal" or simply a story thrown out of proportion? Lets take a closer look at the facts before you make a decision on this "scandal." A History lesson:  Before the 1950's 501(c)4's were required to be exclusively to better the social welfare of a community or the nation. This was to prevent these organizations from using their tax free funds to influence elections.This was changed under President Ike from exclusively to primarily to promote social welfare. Thus, allowing these groups to use their funds to make political ads and donations to candidates without having to identify who i...

Jake's Take: Conservatives the NSA and Hypocrisy

Jake's Take: Conservatives the NSA and Hypocrisy "Jake's Take" is a Fresh Political View OP-ED if you want to write an OP-ED please contact us at Foreword: This is in no way a defense of President Obama or an attack on President Bush. Funny thing about conservatives they seem to feel things that were okay under the Bush administration, should now be considered impeachable offenses for the current administration. The hypocrisy of the Republican Party knows no bounds. In 2001 the Patriot Act was passed under the guise of national security. Anyone who did not support this law was cast out as a communist, a terrorist, un-American and told in no uncertain terms "Love It or Leave It." Now the very conservatives who supported the patriot act and the warrant-less wiretapping etcetera  of the Bush administration are calling for the impeachment of a President who was simply following the same policy as George W. Bush for the ...

Thank you readers of Fresh Political View

Fresh Political View would like to thank everyone who reads the blog. We just had our biggest month yet according to google analytics. In the last month we have had over 1,300 pages views by over 130 unique viewers. This is up from 800 page views from 35 unique viewers. Thank you all and keep checking back at  

The Obama Administration goes after AP, Fox News.

In recent weeks the Department of Justice and the Obama Administration have been met with fierce criticism from all sides in their collection of phone records from the Associated Press as well as Fox News. According to the DOJ and the Obama administration these records were subpoenaed in search of finding a government leak in two different stories one by the AP and the other by a Fox News journalist. In total, records for at least 30 different phone numbers were obtained according to reports based on court records. Both leak investigations were sparked by stories that had national security ramifications. One by Fox News journalist James Rosen over the North Korean nuclear program. The other about an active CIA intelligence operation in Yemen that led to the operation ending weeks before it was planned to end. Without getting into an in depth analysis of each story lets take a look at the criticisms and their validity, as well as how this was able to happen in the first place. M...

Misplaced Outrage: Marines lose a hot meal!

Recently a decision made by the Marine Corps involving hot meals for the Marines stationed at Camp Leatherneck set off a firestorm of controversy from the left and right. Many Marines stationed at Camp Leatherneck and their families back in the U.S. are angry at this change and rightfully so.  "This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places... Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.” Said one Camp Leatherneck based Marine in an email shared to NBC News, he chose to stay off the record. Many conservatives are trying to pin all the blame on President Obama and even liberals appear up in arms over these changes, but before one goes placing blame where it may not belong...

Jake's Take: Adam Kokesh and Treason

Jake's Take: Adam Kokesh and Treason U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3 "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." "The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood , or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted" These words are directly from our U.S. Constitution. Basically a person is guilty of treason if it is proven by testimony of witnesses or confession in open court that said person is helping enemies of the United States by providing aid to enemies foreign or domestic. This section of the Constitution appears to be very explicit in what makes up the charge of treason. Adam Kokesh is an Iraq war veteran who...

Michele Bachmann won't seek a 5th term

In a move that left many liberals in a party mood and seen by some as a potential blow to the Tea Party Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) announced yesterday that she would not seek a 5th term for her U.S. house seat amid an FBI investigation into her campaigns finances. Bachmann, said she knew she could win another term even with the investigation going on and that the FBI looking into her campaign did not affect her decision. Saying she would continue to push for her political ideals such as traditional marriage, family values and her opposition to abortion rights. Liberals who found her views to be archaic and even radical are seeing her departure from congress as a win for the rights of women and LGBT Americans. On the other hand Ms. Bachmann was a major voice with-in the Tea Party. She even started the Tea Party response to the State of the Union. But her sway with-in the Tea Party ranks began to fade with the undoing of her 2012 campaign in the republican primary rac...

The incredible shrinking deficit!!

For years now the GOP has been telling everyone how our deficit and debt were at dire levels. With that said one would think when the CBO released a new report revising downward our deficits for the next 10 years, the GOP would have been happy and celebrating the news. This of course is not what happened. The fact of the matter is no one from either party took credit for the large and historic decrease in our yearly deficits. There is an easy explanation for no one taking credit for the new CBO revision. The reason for this is simply the fact that the speed at which our deficit is shrinking will have detrimental effect on our overall economy, thus slowing an already slow recovery. The amount of spending being cut through austerity type programs is causing higher unemployment. As these cuts are cutting jobs for police, firefighters, teachers and even government contractors. Along with other cuts to programs that the poor, elderly and disabled rely on, these cuts only slow recov...

Jake's Take: Florida teen arrested for same-sex relations?

Jake's Take: Where I  give commentary on different issues facing our nation or world. A high school senior in Florida has been arrested and charged with felony lewd and lascivious battery of a child 12-16 years of age. Kaitlyn Hunt of Sebastian, Florida was arrested on February 16, 2013 after the parents of the girl she was dating reported the alleged sexual relationship. Now her mother Kelley Hunt Smith is saying the parents of her daughter's girlfriend we simply mad about the same-sex relationship their daughter was engaged in. The age of consent in the State of Florida is 18. The girl Hunt was dating was 14 at the time. Therefore, Hunt was in violation of state law. Her mother wants to act as if her daughter is being singled of because she was engaged in a same-sex relationship. The fact of the matter is if this was an 18 year old male engaged in a sexual relationship with someone underage male or female this would never have made the news. He would hav...

At least 51 dead after 2 mile wide tornado hits Moore, Ok.

UPDATE: The M.E. says numbers are 51 dead at least 20 of which are children.  The planned story over the shrinking deficit will be delayed until at least tomorrow in light of the events  today  in Moore, Oklahoma. It would not be prudent to discuss such trivial things in a time of such tragedy. Moore, Oklahoma was hit by a massive tornado this afternoon that had at least one school in its path. The storm is reported to have had a preliminary rating of an EF4 and according to reports the tornado was 2 miles wide. At least 51 are dead including 7 children according to authorities. This comes on the heels of the storms in Texas last week and the deadly twister outbreak in Oklahoma yesterday May 19th in which 2 are reported to have died on a day with with 26 reported twisters. Please keep the people of Oklahoma in your thoughts and prayers tonight. Also, if you can give to the Red Cross by clicking  here or text REDCROSS to 90999 to mak...

Should Americans with Cancer Go Bankrupt?

In the republican primaries in 2012 there was a moment when the crowd watching cheered at the idea of simply letting folks without insurance die of cancer. As much as this was disturbing to most Americans and much of the world it is not the only issue related to cancer patients in America. The financial toll a cancer diagnosis can bring, will increase the chance of the patient filing bankruptcy. A new study published in Health Affairs states that a patient with cancer diagnosis is 2.65 times more likely than people without cancer to file for bankruptcy. This begs the question "should Americans go bankrupt because they have a catastrophic illness?" In a nation as rich as ours and with the quality of our medical experts, why should this be the case? First off we may have the some of the best and brightest minds in the medical world here in America. This issue is access to this care can be very expensive. One reason for this is the sometimes insane cost of cancer drugs. Ma...

White House Documents Relating to Events in Benghazi, Libya

White House Documents Relating to Events in Benghazi, Libya : 'via Blog this'

Abortion Monster Found Guilty

Kermit  Gosnell  Found Guilty Abortion provider Kermit Gosnell was found guilty yesterday of 3 counts of murder and one count of manslaughter. In a case that has sparked outrage from anti-abortion and pro-choice groups alike. Gosnell was found guilty on 3 counts of murder for his actions on the deaths of 3 live fetuses he claimed were already dead. The prosecution claimed Mr. Gosnell had snipped the spinal cords of these live fetuses. He was also found guilty of manslaughter in the case of a Bhutan immigrant who died while in his care. He was found guilty on 37 other counts as well. These counts were for violating Pennsylvania state informed consent laws as well as performing abortions after the 24 week mark as is the state limit. Gosnell faced over 200 counts related to being in violation of several abortion laws and racketeering. He is also facing a federal drug charge as well. Abortion rights groups are pointing to this case as a reason to keep...