Michele Bachmann won't seek a 5th term

In a move that left many liberals in a party mood and seen by some as a potential blow to the Tea Party Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) announced yesterday that she would not seek a 5th term for her U.S. house seat amid an FBI investigation into her campaigns finances.

Bachmann, said she knew she could win another term even with the investigation going on and that the FBI looking into her campaign did not affect her decision. Saying she would continue to push for her political ideals such as traditional marriage, family values and her opposition to abortion rights.

Liberals who found her views to be archaic and even radical are seeing her departure from congress as a win for the rights of women and LGBT Americans.

On the other hand Ms. Bachmann was a major voice with-in the Tea Party. She even started the Tea Party response to the State of the Union. But her sway with-in the Tea Party ranks began to fade with the undoing of her 2012 campaign in the republican primary race.

All that is for sure is she will be missed by those who supported her.


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