Republicans Endorsing Biden

I see all these republicans endorsing Joe Biden and as a former republican voter I understand completely.

The way of the republican party today, is not the way of the party was when I was growing up. Growing up I saw people like George Bush sr and Reagan people who seemed cared even if they didn't really understand others lives.

Now looking back I see they were not as kind and caring to maligned groups like the LGBTQ community and other minorities. But the back handedness of the compassionate conservative ideology pales in comparison to today's GOP. Today's GOP seems set out to settle a score, like they were a scorned lover left at the alter.

After losing on several issues of the day from LGBTQ rights to health care during the Obama years, they are now on the attack. With non-stop attacks on the ACA and LGBTQ rights by this current administration, for example fighting in the courts that gay and trans people should be able to be fired from jobs or even barred from housing simply for being who they are.

That is not even the tip of the iceberg with what is wrong with this current GOP. Their leader gives cover to fascist white supremacists groups, while also courting their votes, party remains silent. He refuses to speak out against white supremacy when directly asked to in a debate, the party moves on as if it never happened. This is not the GOP I remember or where they just better at hiding their hate?

The issue with most of the republicans endorsing Biden is they are just trying to cover their backside after years of being complicit in Trump's agenda of separating kids from their parents then lost them, ending protections for transgender youths in public schools, banning trans people from the military and not to mention all the US family farmers destroyed by Trump's insane trade war with China.

If you are a republican endorsing Biden because you never supported Trump and his insanity that's great, but if not you have a lot more to atone for and one endorsement changes nothing.


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